These resources have been helpful for many of my clients working through trauma, anxiety, depression, personality disorders, and more.
Dr. Peter Levine presents two simple grounding techniques to help patients feel safe:
Dr. Bessell van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, discusses the high prevalence of trauma across the globe as well as how trauma impacts our bodies:
Dr. Nancy McWilliams explains the importance of the client-therapist relationship. Dr. McWilliams also provides information about what clients may experience as they begin treatment:
Dr. Eve Caligor highlights different types of personality organization and how the therapy session may unfold during treatment for BPD, NPD, HPD, and more:
Many clients benefit from between-session activities and visual learning materials. Therapist Aid has worksheets, videos, and additional resources you can access anytime:
Currently I’m training to provide Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), an evidence-based treatment for PTSD and other disorders. In this video, the late Dr. Francine Shapiro explains her modality and the science behind its effectiveness:
More resources will be added soon. Thank you for visiting my website.